Audioprothésiste CHALON-SUR-SAÔNE-ZAC CHALON 2 Optical Center

7, rue René Cassin 
Currently closed
Optical & Audition
Welcome to your hearing store Audioprothésiste CHALON-SUR-SAÔNE-ZAC CHALON 2 Optical Center.

Our hearing aid specialists of Chalon Sur Saonewill welcome you to offer the best hearing solutions adapted to all your needs.
If you have any doubt about your hearing ability, we invite you to come and take a free hearing test at our store.
According to your profile, our hearing aid specialists of Chalon Sur Saone will do their best to help you hear better in everyday life.
At our store Audioprothésiste CHALON-SUR-SAÔNE-ZAC CHALON 2 Optical Center , you will find a full range of hearing aids and accessories at the best market prices.
An after-sale service dedicated to our customers is provided for any need after your purchase.
See you soon at your hearing store Optical Center Chalon Sur Saone .
  • The estimate

    The estimate

    Before the conclusion of the sale, a quote will be given to you free of charge.
  • Free Optical Hearing Assistance

    Free Optical Hearing Assistance

    All of our devices are guaranteed for four years for parts and labour.
  • Unlimited choice

    Unlimited choice

    And if despite the extent of our choice, you decide for a model not presented in our store, tell us its references, we will provide it.
  • Optical Insurance

    Optical Insurance

    In the event of breakage, Optical Center undertakes to exchange your eyeglasses at no cost as often as necessary
    during the contractual warranty period of your purchase.


  • Widex
  • Siemens
  • Phonak
  • Ouïezen
Shop online
  • Eyeglasses


    Myopic, astigmatic or presbyopic ... To protect your eyes from the sun and enjoy your daily activities, our opticians have selected the best sunglasses from the most famous brands. They will help you choose the ones that suit you best from among all of the models available in the store.
  • Sport eyewear

    Sport eyewear

    It's not always easy to enjoy sports if you wear eyeglasses. For this reason, we offer a full range of sports eyewear that can be adapted to any prescription.
  • Contact Lenses

    Contact Lenses

    Contact lenses help you feel more attractive and comfortable while correcting your vision: myopia, astigmatism, etc. Our stores offer daily, monthly, quarterly and yearly contact lenses. Our specialists will be delighted to help you decide whether you need daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly contact lenses.
  • Cleaning products

    Cleaning products

    Contact lenses are fragile and require special care. You must clean, rinse, disinfect, hydrate and lubricate your contact lenses to protect your eyes and enjoy optimal comfort. Our opticians can also show you how to take care of your lenses.
  • Low vision

    Low vision

    Every day, your eyes tend to tire and this fatigue accelerates over time. Our opticians will recommend the best eyewear to meet your needs.


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4.9 out of 5
About Reviews
January 25, 2025
Ne reviendrais pas à Optical center .Accueillie par un conseiller trop commercial. Pour ma première paire de lunette je souhaitais une monture stylée et tendance , il me demande ce que j 'aime , me propose de faire un tour dans le magasin et choisir ce qui me plaît le temps qu'il fasse ses calculs, pas le temps , le voilà revenu avec une monture vue et une paire de lunette de soleil. Après un essayage plus que rapide il me parle 2 minutes des verres progressifs et des verres polarisés , puis prise des mesures la facture est déjà sortie !!! j'ai payé le double des personnes de mon entourage et ce n'est pas de la marque.!!! Paires de lunettes reçues , je m'aperçois que mes verres sont légèrement rosés, le vendeur ne m'avait rien dit, de plus je n'aime pas mes montures. Mauvaise expérience pour une première paire de lunette. Je change d'enseigne sans hésiter.